Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Im quite happy with my hunter so far. With just a very minimal amount of gameplay, shes level 18 and ive done my first instance.. well.. it wasnt a full clear, the tank was a balance spec druid who had no hold of the concept of tanking, there were often times where hed facepull and just stand there, not even autoattacking.. it was bad :P he left after a few bosses but we agreed to press on, the warrior dps switching to defensive stance and I put my bear on growl, we managed a few pulls just fine, until the cocky ret paladin healer decided to pull extra packs /palm he died fairly quickly, and instantly dropped group. My bear, followed by the warrior, and druid dps were next. about 2 minutes, a healthpotion, and a mana bar later, the last of the extra packs were dead, and I was healing up, ending the fight as the only survivor.. with 22 hp left! It felt really epic. I feel that my experience kiting mobs as a tank really helped alot in this situation. my group cheered but everyone decided to call it, due to both tank and healer being gone now. Besides all this, during the whole run, I kept my eyes on skada (e-peen ftw) and noticed that by FAR I was in the lead in dps, pulling about 50dps when the second highest was around 22. Lol yes I know that this is a lowbie instance and Im in full BoAs, but the warrior and druid dps were also :D
I picked enchanting and skinning as her profs, chanting just so I have my own personal DEer and skinning just because its easy. Im quite lazy with professions and still even need to work on my mains JC >.>

anyways, Thats about all i have to say for now, gonna start farming for some shiney purples to give my huntard when she reaches 80 later on.

But for now.. off to bed

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