Sunday, August 8, 2010

So soon into this blog

...and its time to take a break

Im in europe right now for one more week, and what am I doing? giving advice on Tankspot..

Life is about more than a video game and I keep forgetting this.... its time to spend the last of my vacation... on vacation.. I came here with the hopes to reevaluate myself, as a person, not a player.. Ive spent the last year completely burried in wow. I just realized its nearly 5am and ive been infront of my laptop tabbing between tankspot, maintankadin, and youtube all day and only left once for lunch.. I cant waste my time here on this.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

wipe heroic UK...

here comes another QQ post

So I queued up for my daily random earlier and got heroic UK, one of my favorite instances due to the ability to run through it in 12 minutes while keeping divine plea up the entire time except right before the last boss. I never start chainpulling from the very first mobs though unless I know the healer.

I inspected the healer, he was sitting in full t10 equivalent gear except for a 232 neck and 232 trinket, so I tested him, after the first 2 mobs I pulled the entire hall, both left and right. (you know, the ones that stun.)
I thought. Okay Im safe to pull freely. Boy I was wrong. I grabbed the pat, ran and picked up the 3 mobs on the side of the furnace, around to the next three and I stood there. I noticed the lack of green numbers flying across my screen (heals) and then I saw the healer was standing at the beginning of the instance still. I popped my cooldowns and tried to make it back to him but with no luck. I died. for the first time in probably a year, I died in the easiest instance in the game :P I asked if he was afk, to which he responded "no im back here" I apologized to the group and went in again, this time doing each pull one at a time and going as slow as possible... only to realize this holy priest wasnt casting spells of any kind other than pom... Now... If I switched to seal of light and put on my block gear, I can solo this heroic, ive done it before twice.. but I dont happen to have my block set in my bags and for some reason, although my gear is nearly complete BiS EH gear pre heroic icc... I felt extremely squishy... so much so that I finally made a use of my Corpse Tongue Coin. Infact, I threw on my avoidance set Ive been working on, landing me about 35% dodge buffed, and 29% parry. I was way beyond the point of unhittable at that point, though only having 35k hp including sanc and priest buff. From that point on his mindless PoM spam was sufficient to keep me up and we cleared the instance in.. about 19 minutes all together.

Now my questions are...

Should I have been paying more attention here? was I wrong to assume that this healer was good due to his gear... am I wrong assuming hes bad because he didnt run after me?

I never like repeating the same mistakes.. but this is the first time on my main in a long time Ive had to pay attention to my survival in a 5man and although I can easily blame the healer... I feel like I failed at my job, which is to keep the group alive...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Tukui isnt right for me sadly. yes it used less memory than any other ui ive used, but it reduced my fps by loads in wintergrasp to the point where I couldnt play, oh well.


while looking for a light way to monitor debuffs and buffs, someone linked me to Tukui, Its a custom ui all in one addon, and its REALLY light, it seems to have 0 effect on my fps (I will have to go into combat to see for sure though) Its really nice looking, I just gotta figure out the actionbars

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Im quite happy with my hunter so far. With just a very minimal amount of gameplay, shes level 18 and ive done my first instance.. well.. it wasnt a full clear, the tank was a balance spec druid who had no hold of the concept of tanking, there were often times where hed facepull and just stand there, not even autoattacking.. it was bad :P he left after a few bosses but we agreed to press on, the warrior dps switching to defensive stance and I put my bear on growl, we managed a few pulls just fine, until the cocky ret paladin healer decided to pull extra packs /palm he died fairly quickly, and instantly dropped group. My bear, followed by the warrior, and druid dps were next. about 2 minutes, a healthpotion, and a mana bar later, the last of the extra packs were dead, and I was healing up, ending the fight as the only survivor.. with 22 hp left! It felt really epic. I feel that my experience kiting mobs as a tank really helped alot in this situation. my group cheered but everyone decided to call it, due to both tank and healer being gone now. Besides all this, during the whole run, I kept my eyes on skada (e-peen ftw) and noticed that by FAR I was in the lead in dps, pulling about 50dps when the second highest was around 22. Lol yes I know that this is a lowbie instance and Im in full BoAs, but the warrior and druid dps were also :D
I picked enchanting and skinning as her profs, chanting just so I have my own personal DEer and skinning just because its easy. Im quite lazy with professions and still even need to work on my mains JC >.>

anyways, Thats about all i have to say for now, gonna start farming for some shiney purples to give my huntard when she reaches 80 later on.

But for now.. off to bed

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New project :)

Say hello to my new project.

She is 1337.


I just logged on to find out that my guild finally downed arthas 10 last night.
I sadly wasnt there with them but Im alright with that, I have killed him before months ago and its nice to know that I had atleast helped them get the strategy down and they finally got their titles.

This means we will finally start working on hardmodes :D I cant wait. I dont quite expect to ever fill up in 277 gear, due to things i cant control.. But now that the guild has cleared LK, they are open to start heroic bosses, finally giving me a shot at the 264 heroic bracers, mace, and shield.

Congrats guys

New blue post

Here is how Prot paladins are working in our current beta build. You might not see these changes in the next beta build, but in the one after that. Things are still in a high degree of flux however.

Shield of the Righteous -- Now consumes Holy Power to cause damage.

Holy Shield -- Now a passive ability that causes your Shield of the Righteous to provide 5% block per stack of Holy Power consumed. In other words, you never click Holy Shield. You just click Shield of the Righteous and buff yourself.

Hammer of the Righteous -- Now generates Holy Power but shares a cooldown with Crusader Strike. Almost all talents that affect one or the other will affect both. The intention is you use Crusader Strike -> Shield of the Righteous for single target and Hammer of the Righteous -> Shield of the Righteous for multitarget.

Avenger's Shield -- No real change, but it still hits pretty hard. Both CS and HotR can proc Grand Crusader to lower the Avenger's Shield cooldown.

Vindication -- can be caused only by Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous.

Holy Wrath -- With the above changes, we think Prot paladins have enough rotational buttons to hit, so we are downplaying Holy Wrath. Holy Wrath is really intended as a Ret filler spell (for when other attacks are on cooldown). Prot could technically use Holy Wrath, but we aren't providing any talent hooks.

Consecration -- Now on a 10 sec duration with a 30 sec cooldown. The Hallowed Ground talent makes it cheaper and hit harder -- it does not affect duration. Use Consecration when you need it, but you can't spam it. This is consistent with the AE changes we are making to all tanks.

With these changes in mind, Prot will be thinking about buttons such as these:

Single Target: Judgement, Crusader Strike, Shield of the Righteous, Avenger's Shield.
Multi-target: Judgement, Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of the Righteous, Avenger's Shield, possibly Exorcism.

None of this includes things like Seals, Inquisition, defensive cooldowns, Word of Glory, etc.

This was a blue post I took from the front page of MMO champion. Id have to see how this actually works mechanicwise before I can really start QQing but im not sure how I feel about these changes. Nothings set in stone just yet though. I can see pros and cons about this playstyle.. though I do like the fact that they are trying to keep ShoR. I dont see the reason to add avengers shield to a constant rotation.. it just seems abit... well.. the way I view AS, is the paladins trademark pickup spell, dont piss a paladin off unless you wanna get captain america'd but it seems like it will lose abit of its epicness if we are using it so often even on close range targets.
I can live with the consecration changes IF they really do manage to get rid of aoe... paladins in my mind have always been the tank that drops their consecration, picks up everything, and blocks alot, cata seems to be just turning them into a generic warrior clone. Oh well I could be wrong, only time will tell. I will still love my pala either way.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Thats right. Stormwind Stockades in cataclysm is now the home to the most terrifying, challenging, daunting boss ever to be confronted in wow;


This is even more reason for me to level an alliance paladin alt in cataclysm, Im looking forward to it.

Image from the front page of

Sunday, August 1, 2010

keybindings and UI


In just 2 weeks im gonna be going back to usa and will be able to raid again with my guild, so Im preparing in advance :>

For the first time ever, Im going to be using a very very basic UI, with the standard blizzard interface, only with a bossmod, pally power, skada, grid, and omen. This will hopefully improve my framerates and allow me to perform optimally. I just hope the extra information from the addons that I will be missing out on wont hurt me too badly.

Ive redone my keybindings to fit better with the standard UI, still may need some work but we will see.